Jumaat, 30 November 2012


Pertama : Ganjaran di dunia.

Selain ganjaran-ganjaran di akhirat yang dijanjikan dalam hadis Nabi saw terhadap golongan Hamlatul Quran, terdapat juga ganjaran di dunia yang diberikan terhadap mereka.

1. Para penghafaz al-Quran merupakan orang yang dimuliakan oleh Allah S.W.T .
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. maksudnya : “Sesungguhnya Allah memiliki kerabat-kerabatnya di kalangan manusia”. Lalu mereka bertanya : “Siapakah mereka ya Rasulullah S.A.W?” Jawab baginda : “Mereka adalah ahli al-Quran, merekalah kerabat Allah (Ahlullah)  dan orang-orang pilihannya.” (Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Majah)

2. Penghafaz al-Quran juga diangkat sebagai pemimpin.
Nabi S.A.W. bersabda maksudnya : “Yang menjadi imam suatu kaum adalah yang paling banyak hafalannya.” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)

3. Penghafaz al-Quran mendapat pengiktirafan dari Nabi S.A.W.
Terdapat dalam sirah selepas perang Uhud, Nabi S.A.W mengutamakan seorang syahid yang banyak hafalan al-Qurannya. “Adalah nabi mengumpulkan di antara dua orang syuhada Uhud kemudian baginda bersabda maksudnya:  “Manakah di antara keduanya yang lebih banyak hafal al-Quran, ketika ditunjuk kepada salah satunya, maka baginda mendahulukan pemakamannya di liang lahat.” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)

4. Al-Quran menjanjikan kebaikan.
Ini bersesuaian dengan firman Allah dalam surah Ali-Imran ayat 191 yang bermaksud, “Orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa berdiri dan duduk, dan semasa mereka berbaring mengiring.” Berdasarkan ayat ini ulama tafsir menyatakan kelebihan hafiz yang boleh membaca al-Quran dalam setiap keadaan.   Ini berbeza dengan orang yang hanya boleh membaca melalui naskhah yang perlu disertakan dengan adab serta peraturan tertentu
Nabi S.A.W bersabda maksudnya : “Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang mempelajari Al Quran dan yang mengajarkannya” (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Kedua : Ganjaran di akhirat

1. Ibu bapa penghafaz al-Quran mendapat kemuliaan.
Nabi S.A.W. bersabda maksudnya : “Sesiapa membaca al-Quran dan beramal dengan apa yang terkandung dalamnya maka kedua dua ibu bapanya akan dipakaikan mahkota pada hari kiamat yang sinaran mahkota itu akan melebihi daripada cahaya matahari , sungguhpun matahari itu berada di dalam rumah-rumah kamu di dunia ini”.
(Hadis Riwayat Ahmad dan Abu Daud)
Allah SWT juga memberi jaminan ganjaran kepada ahli keluarga bagi hafiz al-Quran sebagaimana Rasulullah SAW sendiri pernah menyatakan bahawa ibu bapa bagi penghafaz al-Quran akan dimuliakan di akhirat termasuk sepuluh orang ahli keluarga yang turut menumpang syafaat memasuki syurga.
Sabda Rasulullah lagi, maksudnya : “Barangsiapa membaca Al Quran dan mengamalkannya, menghalalkannya yang halal dan mengharamkan yang haram maka Allah memasukkannya ke dalam syurga dan dia boleh memberi syafaat 10 orang keluarganya yang sudah pasti masuk neraka.” (Hadis Riwayat Tarmizi)

2. Penghafaz al-Quran akan mendapat syafaat (penolong).
Dari Abi Umamah ra. ia berkata, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya : “Bacalah olehmu al- Quran, sesungguhnya ia akan menjadi pemberi syafaat pada hari kiamat kepada para pembacanya (penghafalnya).”
(Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. katanya Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda,maksudnya : “Tidak ada orang yang berkumpul di salah satu rumah Allah untuk membaca dan mempelajari al-Quran,kecuali mereka akan memperolehi ketenteraman,diliputi rahmat,dikelilingi para malaikat dan mereka sentiasa disebut-sebut oleh Allah di kalangan para malaikat (yg di langit).”(Hadis Riwayat Muslim, At-Tirmizi,Ibnu Majah dan Abu Daud).

3. Penghafaz al-Quran mendapat ganjaran berlipat kali ganda.
Nabi S.A.W. bersabda maksudnya : “Sesiapa yang membaca satu huruf daripada kitab Allah (al-Quran) maka baginya (pembaca) dengannya (al-Quran) pahala dan pahala digandakan sepuluh sebagaimananya. Aku tidak kata bahawa “alif laam mim” itu satu huruf tetapi alif satu huruf, lam satu huruf dan mim itu satu huruf”.
(Hadis Riwayat Tarmizi)

Ahad, 18 November 2012


Islam lays great emphasis on friendship and encourages having as many friends as possible. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah clearly states that He too chose friends for himself; who were none other than Prophet Ibrahim, Khalil Allah, and Prophet Muhammad, Habib Allah.

While Islam encourages one to have friends, it goes a step further in guiding us that the following category of people should be avoided:

1. Al-Ahmaq (the Fool)
A person is generally judged by the company he keeps. By keeping a foolish friend, one confirms his own foolishness. A foolish person lacks the ability to reason. He can, therefore, cause a lot of harm to his companions even though his intentions are good.

2. Al- Bakheel (the Miser)
A miser does not have faith in Allah and the Day of Judgement when good deeds will be rewarded. He always believes that whatever is his possession has been acquired solely by his personal efforts and that giving away anything to anyone will mean a total loss to himself. Friendship with such a selfish person can be dangerous. At the time of dire and difficulty, he will make you suffer humiliation.

3. Al Kaadhib (the Liar)
This is a person who has a persistent habit of lying and deceiving. Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that a liar is like a mirage. He will bring a distant thing close to you and will make a close thing, distant from you.

4. Al Faajir (the Wicked/Sinner)
Your friends in this world will be your friends in the hereafter. Where will the wicked people and the sinners be on the Day of Judgement? In Surah Al-Infitaar. Ayah 13-14, the Holy Qur’an says; “Verily the righteous shall be in bliss and verily the wicked shall be in hell.”

There are three reasons why Islam does not permit friendship with this category of people.
(a) A sinner distances one from those who do good
(b) A sinner can easily influence others to commit sins
© A sinner does not know the greatness of Allah and will similarly not honour his friendship with others.

Imam Ali (a.s.) has said: “Do not befriend a sinner because he will sell you for a morsel.”

There are certain tips to remember if you wish to keep a stable friendship. Do not dispute with him and do not be hostile to him. Do not ridicule him. Do not quarrel with him. Do not hold him in contempt nor consider him to be lower than you. Do not claim precedence and supremacy over him. Do not crack indecent jokes with him.

(a) Accord friends the respect they deserve.
Respect begets respect. Some people have the tendency to ignore the duty of mutual honour and respect under the pretext of friendship. Normally, these people are seen using abusive language and severe criticism against one another. This attitude weakens the foundation of friendship and gradually leads to enmity.

(b) Be gentle and modest to your friends
In any society, a person who is gentle and modest generally becomes popular rather than the one who is proud and egoistic. A person with such good social behaviour always earns many friends.

© Guard the honour of your friends during their absence and after their death.
This means that one should not allow rumours about his friend to neither spread nor lend his ears to the backbiting of his friend by gossipmongers; and to always stay firm and defend a friend’s dignity and honour.

(d) Forgive the short-comings of your friends
Everyone makes mistakes in life. A true muslim is one who overlooks the shortcomings of his brothers-in-faith and friends. True friendship is for the sake of Allah. Friendship for any other sake is worthless.

The following qualities should be sought for in a friend;
1. Belief
2. Knowledge
3. Good Virtues
4. Abstinence from Worldly Pleasures
5. Loyalty

Moderation in friendship should be considered. One should not confide everything in a friend lest he turns into his enemy. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said, “One who does not wish to increase his friends from amongst his brethren, is in for a disappointment.” Imam Ali (a.s.) has said, “The weakest person is the one who fails to accumulate friends. And weaker than him is the one who after obtaining them, loses them.”